Natural Forces Within us
are The True healers of Disease






Our cells recognize the heterologous and autologous factors.
So, the cells recognize and accept the autologous proteins derived from its own with no side effects or allergic reactions. The platelets in our blood when activated, stimulate our own fibroblasts, osteoblasts but not only and enhance our stem cells, which play an important role in the structure of degenerated or damaged tissue. By this way, we induce tissue regeneration reversing aging and other cellular damages naturally. The tissue regains its natural vigor, elasticity and its original volume.

Autosoma method provides increased density proteins, therefore improving the tissue complexion. It can be used as a natural filler. The result is a total tissue rejuvenation in a natural way. Autosoma method can be applied with excellent results to any area of the face and body.

1. Endogenous Cell Migration
2. Endogenous Cell Proliferation
3. Endogenous Angiogenesis
4. Endogenous Tissue Regeneration

Your doctor will be able to give you more details


Your own autologous therapy

Eventually, our cells and skin will show signs of time even with a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Whenever you ask about the beauty secret, you usually get the following answer: "plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of sleep and good genes." Is this really true?
No. This is only half the truth.
Today we know how facial wrinkles appear and how the skin becomes thinner during the aging process. As we get older, the natural number of stem cells, fibroblasts and skin cells is remarkably reduced due to lack of energy. That is why the aging signs appear. When we are young these cells reshape the skin continuously giving volume, stability and elasticity.

Thanks to these cells, the skin remains for a long time young, firm and elastic.
But what if you could regain the vigor, color uniformity, elasticity of your aging skin?

Trust your energy
Until now, scientists have used heterologous methods to slow down the visible signs of aging, and of course they were often confronted with rejection or allergic reactions. Now, the Autosoma autologous methods delay the aging process naturally. For the first time, we are able to activate the skin stem cells and fibroblasts. We can enhance our own autologous natural mechanisms with no side effects. The Autosoma method is biocompatible.

You will find that the terms "Anti-aging" and "Rejuvenation" will take on a new dimension with the Dermagenetic protocols.


The improvement of the appearance of the damaged tissue is obvious after the first protocol, and it is improved further in the coming months. As soon as the new cells are activated, they begin to settle. The natural repair process from your own cells, leads to fast recovery and new tissue. Natural regeneration from within. The natural process of repairing your own cell naturally takes several years.

However, the protocols can be applied to the area of the skin as well as to others parts, wherever is necessary.


Cells from your own body recognize your endogenous growth factors. It means that they recognize and accept autologous protein factors derived from the own body without side effects or allergic reactions. Autosoma treatment activates fibroblasts that are very important for the structure of the skin and the production of new proteins by giving new energy. In this way, we re-feed our skin with new cells from our own body to acquire new structures naturally. The skin cells regain its natural vigor, elasticity and its original volume. Additionally, Autosoma method provides increased density proteins to the skin, thereby improving skin complexion. The doctors can prepare also your own natural filler. The result is complete skin metamorphosis. Autosoma method can be applied with excellent results to any other area of the body, such as on the neck, bust or hands etc.


The procedure is done by a specially trained doctor. Your platelets will be used by your doctor directly on your skin during four therapeutic sessions with 1-2 months internal - exactly at the area where you want more invigorated skin. The therapeutic applications are painless. Additionally, after this procedure, you will need to wait about two to three hours until the creation of your own personal cream.


The Autosoma method is recommended by ABACOSM and its scientific team. It is based on the stimulation of the autologous mechanisms of our cells. Basically, our stem cells are constantly stimulated by energy. This guarantees a lasting effect and a high level of security.


With the Autosoma method, we offer an innovative method for the prevention and inversion of skin aging. The sequence of steps for  the Autosoma method:
- The doctor will prepare the platelets
- When these are activated, your doctor will apply:
(a) fraxpeel or laser re-injection method
(b) biological mask and
(c) autologous cream.
Further maintenance therapies are recommended after 1-2 years at the areas that are necessary.

What makes the Autosoma method so special?
Autosoma offers permanent and natural skin rejuvenation with the  cells from your own body, which are 100% biocompatible. The stability and elasticity of the skin are remarkably improved.

What is the difference between Autosoma method and other traditional methods of skin rejuvenation?
Autosoma method is an autologous skin rejuvenation method that activates stem cells and fibroblasts in your body.

Who Can Benefit From Autosoma Method?
Thanks to natural, fully personalized biological process, everyone can benefit from the Autosoma method.

In which areas of the body, the Autosoma method is most effective?
Any area of the skin can be dramatically improved by the use of Autosoma method - especially the face, neck, bust and also the hands and other sensitive areas of the body. Especially the areas with stretch marks are cured 70%.

How often should Autosoma method be used?
In order to achieve significant results, a standard treatment regimen is required. This treatment is divided into four sessions with an interval of 1-2 months between them.

When we can see the first results?
As we know, the improvement of the appearance of the skin becomes impressively visible after the first session, with further improvement over the coming months. The skin improvement lasts several years. An additional maintenance treatment can be carried out after one year, wherever is needed. Autosoma method should be used periodically for many years because it stimulates the mechanisms of cellular repair giving energy. It is the perfect anti aging treatment. Newer cells transform your skin during the treatment and later, even after many years.

What is the best way to complete Autosoma method?
As Autosoma method uses your own cellular mechanisms, there is no question of incompatibility with other aesthetic treatments. Ideally, anti-aging therapies include a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and sufficient sleep. The treatment results are maintained by the daily Dermagenetic anti-aging protocols.

Available protocols that your doctor can apply:
Wrinkles, Acne Scars, Stretch Marks, Scars, Aging Spots, Active Acne, Melasma etc.


Autologous or heterologous therapies


Although millions of men and women experience some degree of hair damage, treatment is not the same for everyone. Hair degradation is for everyone, as unique as one’s hairstyle or the clothes one wears.

In the past, alopecia was something to be ashamed of and the use of a wig was imperative. Also hair loss in women, can be the cause of psychological and other problems.

Main types of alopecia, by frequency are: androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, transient type alopecia, diffuse alopecia.

Today, restoring scalp’s health is easier than ever. You have the following options:
-decrease or stop hair loss with autologous or heterologous treatments
- microtransplantation
- Autosoma method

Restoring scalp’s health with the Autosoma method, you can improve the look of “old age” which comes with hair loss. For any type of alopecia, a visit to a doctor is essential. The first attempt to remedy the problem is to remove the cause that has caused it. Then you have to enhance and restore normal hair function. The use of products that reduces the destructive effect of testosterone and vasoconstriction and the use of autologous growth factors which stimulate the epithelium bristle, suppress immunological phenomena and ensure vasodilatation is a must.

Diagnose Your Hair Loss Early!
Hair loss is a problem that persists through the whole patient's life. When you have considered the available options, do not discourage. If you decide that autologous method or microtransplantation is right option for you, start immediately the treatment . The prevention is better for many reasons. Firstly, you will not have the experience of premature hair loss and secondly the hair loss will stop before the obvious signs of alopecia. Moreover, if your choice is the microtransplantation, existing hair will cover the news and perhaps this option may be more economical.

Autosoma method
The cells from our own body recognize your own endogenous growth factors. They recognize and accept, without any side effects or allergic reactions, autologous protein. Using the Autosoma method, the doctor will decide the use of your own platelets. The platelets activate microcirculation and hair follicle stems cells, which have an important role in the production of new protein in hair follicles.

Now we can apply your own autologous growth factors and repair mechanisms to your own hair follicles.

Combination therapies
Autosoma method can be combined with
- Fraxpeel method or laser light method
- Transdermal products Ortho (eterologous)

Can also be used during transplantations
Autologous 100%
Using the Autosoma method, the doctor will decide the use of your own platelets.

Home treatment
Every night the patient applies the autologous cream, that is prepared by their therapist, to the affected area, to  enhance their healing.


Autologous Therapies

Autologous Vaginal Rejuvenation
Female genitals not only suffer from the effects of time and age, but also the effects of gestational trauma or estrogen deficiency or environmental changes or stress. Vaginal Rejuvenation is the most common cosmetic gynecology procedure requested by patients today.
Women generally seek vaginal rejuvenation for two reasons:
1. to relieve symptoms related to pelvic relaxation (cystocele, rectocele and urinary incontinence).
2. to enhance or improve sexual function.

The mechanisms of autologous cellular repair are already known. One of the latest findings in regenerative medicine is when genes are activated, they can repair any damage on cellular level.
Using a small amount of platelets we can safely stimulate cellular repair mechanisms naturally.

After a childbirth, but not only, some women find that their vagina doesn't feel or function the same as before. Autologous therapies in combination with lasers (laser activated platelets), are the most innovative applications in vaginal rejuvenation today.
Revitalization / Rejuvenation
- Labia Majora
- Sensitive dry skin
- Dischromias
- Shrinkage
- Loss of blood supply
- Lack of mucus
- Clitoris shrinkage
- Vaginal dryness
- Discomfort during sexual intercourse

Autosoma method is also recommended be used periodically over the years, as it stimulates cellular repair mechanisms. It is the perfect anti - aging treatment for the sensitive vagina area. This method provides you with new and healthy cells for a long period of time.

The doctor will decide whether autologous therapies can be combined with other therapies.




Nowadays, we know more than ever about the aging process. As we getting older, the natural number of stem cells, fibroblasts, and osteoblasts declines dramatically. As a result, the signs of time appear strongly on us. When we are young our cells reprogramme continuously for stability and plasticity. Thanks to these cells our hard and soft tissues remain for a long time young, firm and elastic.

Until now, scientists were using heterologous factors to repair the damages and of course they faced the rejection or the allergic reaction. Now, the autologous methods repair the hard and soft tissue damages naturally. With AUTOSOMA method, your doctor will able to stimulate the stem cells of our body that play an extremely important role in the reproduction of bones, muscles and nerves.

We know that the improvement of the damaged tissue is obvious after the first protocol, and it is improving further in the coming months. With Autosoma method the natural repair process from your own cells, leads to fast recovery and new tissue regeneration. Natural regeneration from within. The natural process from your own body to repair the hard tissue lasts several years – unique until now.

With autologous methods, a little amount of platelets subtracted from you release growth factors that accelerate wound healing by giving cellular energy. In this way, we enhance the tissue with reproductive cells in order to recover the damage naturally. The bones and muscles regain their natural vigor, elasticity and their original volume. Additionally, Autosoma method provides increased density proteins in the damaged area improving the repair. Autosoma method can be applied with excellent results to any other area of the body.

An innovative method to treat and prevent degeneration of the tissues.
After collection of your platelets, the doctor will prepare the protocol suitable for you.
Further maintenance regimen is required.
Recommended for
• Ligaments
• Chondropathy
• Osteoarthritis of the knee
• Ulnar collateral ligament tears
• Lateral epicondylitis
• Hamstring injuries
• Achilles tendinopathy

What makes the autologous method so special?
Offers long-lasting treatment with natural repair mechanisms for soft and hard tissues. It is 100% compatible with you.

What is the difference between Autosoma method and the other traditional methods?
Autosoma method make use of your own repair mechanisms from your own body.

Who can take advantage from Autosoma method?
Thanks to the natural, completely personalized process, everyone can take advantage from Autologous methods.

What is the best way to complete Autosoma method?
As Autosoma method uses your own cellular mechanisms, there is no doubt of incompatibility with the other traditional therapies. The combination for best results is a)a healthy diet, b)regular exercise and c)adequate sleep.


Autologous Therapy


Nowadays, scientists know a lot about the aging process. As we age, the natural number of stem cells, fibroblasts and proteins decline dramatically due to lack of energy. All these cells provide a continuous transformation of the stem cells giving volume, stability and elasticity. Thanks to them, our tissue remains long, youthful and resilient.

Until now, scientists were using heterologous factors to correct different damages in oral cavity and of course they faced rejection and/or allergic reactions. Now, the autologous methods make it easy. For first time, with Autosoma method we are able to stimulate the stem cells in our body that play an extremely important role in the reproduction of tissue. We can accelerate our endogenous mechanisms without any side effects, bio-compatibly.


The improvement of the appearance of oral cavity is visible after the first protocol, and it is improved even further in the coming months. The natural repair process from your own cells, leads to smoother tissue regeneration. The gums and tooth becomes youthful and fresh. Natural regeneration starts from within. Your dentist will explain the method individually.


Own cells recognize and accept autologous protein growth factors without side effects or allergic reactions. With the Autosoma method, a little amount of platelets are taken from you to accelerate the healing process after surgery. With Autosoma method, we enhance the cells with reproductive cells so that they recover faster and naturally. The tissue regains its natural vigor, elasticity and its original volume. In addition, Autosoma method offers increased protein density in the skin and improves its complexion. The result is a total rejuvenation of the skin in a natural way. Autosoma method can be applied with excellent results to any other area of the face.

Recommended for
• Post-extraction areas
• Regeneration around implants
• Intraosseous defects
• Sinus elevations
• Crestal expansion
• Vertical growth
• Treatment of periodontal defects

They are the perfect treatment for implants peri implantitis, perio, etc.

What makes Autologous methods so special?
Autosoma method makes use of your own body repair mechanisms, which are 100% compatible.

Can I use my platelets again in a period of one month?
Autologous methods can and should be periodically used, because they stimulate mechanisms of cellular repair.

Who can benefit from Autosoma Method?
Thanks to its natural, fully personalized biological process, everyone can benefit.

What is the best way to complete Autosoma method?
As Autosoma method uses your own cellular mechanisms, there is no doubt of incompatibility with the other treatments. Ideal anti-aging treatments include a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep.


Sodium Citrate Sterile PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Blood Separation Tubes
Reference number: OM-AS-006

With Blood Separation Kits, the patient's blood components are separated according to their density using centrifugation. Due to a high quality, PRP can be obtained from the blood coagulation of the taken sample.

10ml Vacuum tube with 3,13% Sodium Citrate (1ml)

The product is indicated in the treatment of osteoarthritis and lateral epicondylitis. In addition, PRP can be used as a supplement to standard treatments in cases of atopic dermatitis, alleviation of disease symptoms and chronic wounds, alopecia areata / barbae / androgenetic diseases.

PRP application is not recommended in the presence of any of the following conditions:
- Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome
- Critical Thrombocytopenia
- H, pofibrinogenaemia
- Hemodynamic instability
- Autoimmune diseases expressed in skin
- Malignancy
- Sepsis
- Acute chronic infections
- Chronic Liver Pathology
- Anti-coagulation Therapy (ASA therapy, etc.)
- Pregnancy
- Newborns

1. The kits are unique to each patient and are for single use only.
2. It must be ensured that the additional materials (injector, needle tip) are reliable and appropriately certified.
3. For medical applications only. It is not used for other purposes.
4. It should only be used by medically licensed physicians.
5. Expired products should not be used.
6. Do not use products that have been opened or damaged.
7. Calibration of the centrifuge device must be done. In case a fixed-angle centrifuge needs to be used, then use a centrifuge with a minimum opening of 45 degrees.
8. PPP should be used immediately after PRP has been separated.
9. The patient should be informed about the risks and possible side effects of the treatment.
10. If anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinners are used, they need to be discontinued at least one week before the treatment. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinners is not recommended for the 2 weeks following the treatment.
11. During the day of treatment, no heavy exercise should be performed (excluding hot bath & sauna).
12. Consideration should be given to the number of samples in case of vacuum loss.

The product should be used on adult patients.
User Profile: The individuals who will use our device must;

a) Be professionals who have completed all their medical education,
b) Be careful during the operation,
c) Have sufficient experience in the use of the device.

Pain in the application area, temporary bruising, or edema may occur including vascular damage. Hematoma, and/or infection may occur if the product is applied incorrectly by non-experts and sterility conditions are not followed.

PRP tubes were sterilized by Gamma Sterilization and set Ethylene Oxide method. It is disposable. It cannot be re-sterilized and used.

Must be kept in a special compartment in a clean environment at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. Keep away from damp and direct sun-light areas. Do not place heavy objects on it.

1,5 year from the day of manufacture.





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